Basic information
Sample name: Franklin

Reference: N. L. Klaer. 2010. Remote camera observations of Tasmanian Devils and other mammals at Franklin. Tasmanian Naturalist 132:81-85 [ER 3040]
Country: Australia

State: Tasmania

Coordinate: 43° 5' S, 147° 1' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "on private property near Franklin... at about 300 m elevation" (coordinate based on Franklin)

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Altered habitat: secondary forest

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "20 hectares of wet sclerophyll bushland... mostly regrown eucalypt forest that was selectively logged in about 1960"

Life forms: other large mammals,other small mammals

Focal species: Sarcophilus harrisii

Sampling methods: no design,baited,automatic cameras

Sample size: 142 captures or sightings

Years: 2008 - 2010

Nets or traps: 2

Net or trap nights: 137

Camera type: digital

Cameras paired: yes

Sampling comments: "A Bushnell 'Trail Sentry' camera was set, and road-kill was placed on the ground in front of the camera as bait to attract Tasmanian Devils. The camera was used intermittently in the period 18 December 2008 to 9 February 2009" (i.e., 54 days) and also "In the period 14 June to 4 September 2010 a Bushnell 'Trophy Cam' trail camera was attached to a tree... No bait attractants were used... the camera remained operational for the entire period" (i.e., 83 days)

Sample number: 3290

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-03-21 21:17:04

Modified: 2020-01-14 09:40:10

Abundance distribution
8 species
1 singleton
total count 142
extrapolated richness: 11.1
Fisher's α: 1.834
geometric series k: 0.5357
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6322
Shannon's H: 1.3506
Good's u: 0.9931
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.