Puritjarra rock shelter (Layer 1)
Basic information
Sample name: Puritjarra rock shelter (Layer 1)

Reference: M. A. Smith. 2009. Late Quaternary landscapes in Central Australia: sedimentary history and palaeoecology of Puritjarra rock shelter. Journal of Quaternary Science 24(7):747-760 [ER 3687]
Country: Australia

State: Northern Territory

Coordinate: 23° 50' S, 130° 51' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.0083

Min Ma: 0.0007

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "Puritjarra is situated in the Cleland Hills, 60 km west of the MacDonnell Ranges on the northern rim of the Amadeus basin" in central Australia.
Deposition of the fossiliferous Layer 1 began 8.3 ka with the earliest remains dating to less than 0.7 ka (dates for the underlying Layer II are uncalibrated, so these are also presumed to be such)

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,rock shelter

Archaeology: hearths,stone tools,other structures

Habitat comments: "Layer 1 is a consolidated layer of sand and rock spall ... grading into aeolian sediments outside the rock shelter".
"The matrix of Layer 1 is made up of light-brown sand, sandstone rubble and numerous fine rock fragments".
"The layer contains lenses of rockfall, intact hearths and pits, well-distributed pieces of charcoal and finely fragmented bone". Numerous flaked stone artefacts are also present.

Life forms: rodents,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 95 specimens

Sampling comments: "All sediments were weighed and screened through 3 mm and 6 mm sieves".
Note: In addition to the mammal counts below, remains of several unidentified species of reptiles were also found in Layer 1, including 1 snake and 12 lizards belonging to the Agamidae, Varanidae, and Scincidae families.

Sample number: 3858

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-01-21 16:06:07

Modified: 2023-04-03 09:06:58

Abundance distribution
9 species
3 singletons
total count 95
extrapolated richness: 17.0
Fisher's α: 2.441
geometric series k: 0.5935
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5045
Shannon's H: 1.1726
Good's u: 0.9684
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Pseudomys hermannsburgensis3
also 6 Muridae indet.
Dasyuridae indet.1
possibly Dasyurus geoffroii
Peramelidae indet.7
possibly Isoodon auratus
Bettongia lesueur1
also 8 Bettongia sp.
Lagorchestes hirsutus31.5 kg
Petrogale lateralis1
Macropus sp.65
Osphranter rufus332 kg grazer-browser
"Macropus rufus"
Osphranter robustus1114 kg
"Macropus robustus"