Lambir Hills National Park (secondary forests) Tam Houay Si Wasgomuwa National Park Krau Wildlife Reserve Lambusango Forest Reserve Pacurendang Tomakomai Experimental Forest (mist nets) Tomakomai Experimental Forest (harp nets) Kim Hy Nature Reserve (primary forest) Camp Leakey Study Area Pt. Setia Alam Jaya Kuala Lompat Research Station (1995 - 1999) Kuala Lompat Research Station (1991 - 1993) Gunung Panti Kim Hy Nature Reserve (disturbed forest) Kim Hy Nature Reserve (agriculture/degraded forest) Kudremukh National Park Air Panas Kuala Lompat (ground level) The Ecological Register
Murina (bat): 19 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.