Full citation
A. R. Rabinowitz and B. G. Nottingham Jr. 1986. Ecology and behaviour of the Jaguar (Panthers onca) in Belize, Central America. Journal of Zoology 210(1):149-159 [ER 3554]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2021-06-27
Samples: none
Size measurements: Panthera onca (body mass 57200 g), Panthera onca (skull length 232 mm), Panthera onca (condylobasal length 198 mm), Panthera onca (skull width 163 mm), Panthera onca (skull length 216 mm), Panthera onca (condylobasal length 182 mm), Panthera onca (skull width 150 mm)