La Paz
Basic information
Sample name: La Paz

Reference: J. L. Tella, R. Rodríguez-Estrella, and G. Blanco. 2000. Louse flies on birds of Baja California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36(1):154-156 [ER 786]
Country: Mexico

State: Baja California Sur

Coordinate: 24° 20' N, 110° 20' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in the vicinity of La Paz"

Habitat: desert/xeric shrubland

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 22.8

MAP: 151.0

Habitat comments: "sarcocaulescent scrub"
MAT "22.1 to 23.4 C"

Life forms: birds

Sampling methods: mist nets

Sample size: 300 individuals

Years: 1996

Days: 25

Sampling comments: numbers of nets and net hours not indicated
"raptors (Families Cathartidae, Accipitridae, and Falconidae) and waterbirds (Families Threskiornitidae and Charadridae) were selectively captured" and are therefore omitted from the register

Sample number: 1131

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2014-08-30 14:24:13

Modified: 2014-08-30 04:30:34

Abundance distribution
26 species
11 singletons
total count 300
extrapolated richness: 57.8
Fisher's α: 6.834
geometric series k: 0.8155
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6632
Shannon's H: 1.7629
Good's u: 0.9634
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.