Otùn-Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary (ash plantation)
Basic information
Sample name: Otùn-Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary (ash plantation)

Reference: S. M. Durân and G. H. Kattan. 2005. A test of the utility of exotic tree plantations for understory birds and food resources in the Colombian Andes. Biotropica 37(1):129-135 [ER 937]
Country: Colombia

Coordinate: 4° 44' N, 75° 35' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in the Department of Risaralda, on the Otùn River watershed"
elevation 1800 to 2100 m

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: plantation

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 16.8

MAP: 2630.0

Habitat comments: the "original forest... was replaced by pastures during the first half of the twentieth century... During the 1960s, a revegetation program was initiated for erosion control" and these plots were "planted with monocultures of exotic Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis)"
MAP stated in text; MAT based on Mantilla et al. (2015)

Life forms: birds

Sites: 20

Site area: 0.6

Sampling methods: quadrat,mist nets

Sample size: 75 individuals

Years: 2000

Days: 20

Seasons: wet or monsoon

Nets or traps: 4

Net or trap nights: 80

Sampling comments: "20 sampling plots... In each plot we placed four mist-nets arranged in a cross, covering an area of about 300 m2... Each plot was sampled once during the study period"

Sample number: 1412

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-02-26 21:34:10

Modified: 2015-09-27 07:21:56

Abundance distribution
25 species
11 singletons
total count 75
extrapolated richness: 61.2
Fisher's α: 13.132
geometric series k: 0.9125
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9350
Shannon's H: 2.9383
Good's u: 0.8544
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.