West of Boulder
Basic information
Sample name: West of Boulder

Reference: R. A. Adams, S. C. Pedersen, K. M. Thibault, J. Jadin, and B. Petru. 2003. Calcium as a limiting resource to insectivorous bats: can water holes provide a supplemental mineral source?. Journal of Zoology 260(2):189-194 [ER 1288]
Country: United States

State: Colorado

Coordinate: 40° 2' N, 105° 15' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "84 km2 along the Front Range... immediately west of Boulder... The east to west elevation gradient was 539 m over a 6-km transect"
coordinate based on Boulder

Habitat: temperate coniferous forest

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 20.2

CMT: -1.4

MAP: 579.0

Habitat comments: "2 vegetation zones, Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa and Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii" with a transition at 1980 m; "riparian habitats consisted predominately of plains cottonwood Populus sargentii and mountain willow Salix monicola"
climate data are for Ponderosa on the Front Range immediately west of Boulder and are from

Life forms: bats

Sampling methods: no design,mist nets

Sample size: 1399 individuals

Years: 1996 - 2000

Seasons: spring,summer

Sampling comments: mist nets were "erected at 10 water holes... from May to August... an array of net sizes (7, 12 and 20 m) was used" but the number of nets is unclear and there is no other indication of collecting effort

Sample number: 1780

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-09-27 08:19:38

Modified: 2018-04-13 11:11:28

Abundance distribution
10 species
1 singleton
total count 1399
extrapolated richness: 11.5
Fisher's α: 1.456
geometric series k: 0.5077
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7912
Shannon's H: 1.7559
Good's u: 0.9993
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Myotis ciliolabrum1023.7 g insectivore
Myotis evotis1646.5 g insectivore
Myotis lucifugus4467.4 g insectivore
Myotis thysanodes1576.7 g insectivore
Myotis volans1297.4 g insectivore
Eptesicus fuscus36117.2 g insectivore
Lasiurus cinereus1820.7 g insectivore
Lasionycteris noctivagans910.0 g insectivore
Corynorhinus townsendii12 insectivore
Tadarida brasiliensis111.3 g insectivore