Qesem Cave (Concentration 2)
Basic information
Sample name: Qesem Cave (Concentration 2)

Reference: K. T. Smith, L. C. Maul, F. Flemming, R. Barkai, and A. Gopher. 2016. The microvertebrates of Qesem Cave: A comparison of the two concentrations. Quaternary International 398:233-245 [ER 2373]
Country: Israel

Coordinate: 32.11° N, 34.98° E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Ma: 0.3

Geography comments: "a sediment-filled karst chamber cave on the moderate western slopes of the Samaria hills" (coordinate based on Qesem Cave)
"older than 300 ka"

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: lithology not discussed

Life forms: bats,rodents,other small mammals,lizards,snakes,turtles,frogs

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 10766 specimens

Years: 2006 - 2012

Sampling comments: "sediment was screenwashed using a 0.8 mm mesh size"
I have omitted Squamata indet., Soricidae indet., Chiroptera indet., and Rodentia indet. from the register

Sample number: 2552

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2017-02-15 14:05:35

Modified: 2017-02-15 03:05:35

Abundance distribution
27 species
2 singletons
total count 10766
extrapolated richness: 33.5
Fisher's α: 3.343
geometric series k: 0.7218
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6400
Shannon's H: 1.3220
Good's u: 0.9998
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Ranidae indet.5
Testudo graeca252
Laudakia vulgaris883
"Stellagama stellio" - reassignment based on geography (see Karameta et al. 2022)
Chamaeleo chamaeleon4806
Gekkonidae indet.7
Lacertidae indet.13
2 species
Scincidae indet.7
Pseudopus sp.49
Eryx sp.1
Colubroidea indet.50
3+ species
Crocidura cf. leucodon99
Rousettus sp.2
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum620.0 g insectivore
Rhinolophus mehelyi113.0 g
Miniopterus cf. schreibersii312.4 g insectivore
Procavia capensis62.8 kg browser
Lepus cf. capensis3
Sciurus cf. anomalus2
Myomimus sp.3
judaicus/setzeri group
Cricetulus sp.9
migratorius complex
Microtus guentheri4211
Spalax sp.64
ehrenbergi complex
Dipodillus cf. dasyurus34
"Gerbillus cf. dasyurus"
Meriones cf. tristrami121
Mus sp.29
musculus/macedonicus group
Rattus cf. haasi12
Apodemus sp.88
flavicollis group