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Kunal - Period IB (Early Harappan - Layer 5)
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Basic information
Sample name: Kunal - Period IB (Early Harappan - Layer 5)

Reference: P. P. Joglekar, K. N. Dikshit, B. R. Mani, and B. Bhattcharya. 2018. Animal remains from Pre-Harappan and Early Harappan contexts at Kunal (2016-2017), Fatehabad District, Haryana. Bulletin of the Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute 78:17-34 [ER 3373]
Country: India

State: Haryana

Coordinate: 29° 30' N, 75° 41' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Section: 3373

Unit number: 1

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.00525

Min Ma: 0.00455

Age basis: stage

Geography comments: "The site of Kunal in Fatehabad District, Haryana is located
12 km from Hansi town"
"Three cultural periods were recognised ... material collected from the Pre-Harappan and Early Harappan periods" are focused on
The Early Harappan period ranges from 3300–2600 BC

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement

Archaeology: bone tools,ceramics,metal tools,stone tools,other artifacts,other structures

Habitat comments: Artefacts uncovered at the Kunal site include tribal head attire, copper spearheads, steatite seals with geometrical patterns, terracotta antiques, arrowheads, fish hooks, two crowns, bangles, silver beads, gold pendants and over 12,000 beads of semi precious stones.
Bone tools, micro blades made of chalcedony, copper fish hooks and arrow heads and various other artefacts were also found here.
The paper primarily reports and focuses on the faunal remains, although "a total of 29 fragments showed cut marks" and others were found "in a charred condition".

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,birds,clams,snails

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 183 specimens

Sampling comments: "The site was excavated ... during the 2016-2017 field season"
Skeletal elements from each locus of four trenches excavated "were
classified into broad groups" with "three categories made on a rough size
estimate" (small, medium, large)
They were subsequently identified "as per the protocol of faunal identification"

Sample number: 3742

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2021-05-26 15:52:13

Modified: 2023-04-29 03:07:07

Abundance distribution
20 species
6 singletons
total count 183
extrapolated richness: 38.0
Fisher's α: 5.720
geometric series k: 0.8048
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8120
Shannon's H: 2.1203
Good's u: 0.9675
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Bos taurus indicus62337 kg
"Bos indicus"
Bubalus bubalis10425 kg
also 215 Bovinae indet. "Bos/Bubalus"
Capra aegagrus hircus722 kg browser-grazer
"Capra hircus"
Ovis aries441 kg
also 24 Caprinae indet. "Capra/Ovis"
Urva edwardsii1
"Herpestes edwardsii"
Canis lupus familiaris243 kg carnivore
"Canis familiaris"
Equus africanus asinus1287 kg
"Equus asinus"
Bos gaurus2481 kg
Boselaphus tragocamelus2263 kg browser-grazer
Axis axis940 kg browser-grazer
Cervus unicolor3100 kg grazer-browser
Tetracerus quadricornis8
Antilope cervicapra241 kg
Sus scrofa2554 kg herbivore
21 of these are recorded as "Sus domesticus"
Hystrix indica313 kg browser
Elephas maximus13711 kg grazer-browser
Pavo cristatus14.8 kg omnivore
Lamellidens sp.1
Digoniostoma pulchella38
Corbicula regularis1
Current reference: Sainz-Borgo 2016 (ER 2762)