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Basic information
Sample name: Kvabebi

Reference: J. Agusti, A. Vekua, O. Oms, D. Lordkipanidze, M. Bukhsianidze, G. Kiladze, and L. Rook. 2009. The Pliocene-Pleistocene succession of Kvabebi (Georgia) and the background to the early human occupation of Southern Caucasus. Quaternary Science Reviews 28:3275-3280 [ER 3884]
Country: Georgia

State: Kakheti

Coordinate: 41.473862° N, 45.741837° E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Formation: Akchagylian Basin

Time interval: Late Pliocene

Ma: 3.07

Age basis: paleomag

Geography comments: The Kvabebi site is located in the "area surrounding Kvabebi Mountain to the south of the village of Magaro"

Coordinates estimated from Kevabebi Mountain

Age established through paleomag ("Site should have an age bracketed by the polarity reversals of chron 2An.1r, i.e., 3.04 and 3.11 Ma") and correlation with the European biochronological scale

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "Kvabebi site is the result of accumulation due to tractive processes in a fluvial influenced environment"

"Bone and bone fragments are reworked and more or less scattered within sandstones and shales"

Fossil bones are typically found anatomically disconnected, most bones are isolated with no evidence of carnivore damage and "may be very well preserved"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 808 specimens

Sampled by: G. Avakov, A. Vekua, J. Agusti

Sampling comments: "In recent years" a joint Georgian-Spanish team began re-prospecting and re-excavating the Kvabebi section

A paleomagnetic analysis was conducted on the series, consisting of field sampling with a drilling machine from >20 levels

Obtained a minimum of three cores from each sampled level

Sample number: 4263

Contributor: Jack Nesbitt

Enterer: Jack Nesbitt

Created: 2023-05-11 16:27:24

Modified: 2023-05-12 00:58:15

Abundance distribution
23 species
4 singletons
total count 808
extrapolated richness: 32.6
Fisher's α: 4.409
geometric series k: 0.7804
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8604
Shannon's H: 2.3069
Good's u: 0.9951
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)