Casal de'Pazzi
Basic information
Sample name: Casal de'Pazzi

Reference: L. Pandolfi, R. Martino, and M. R. Palombo. 2023. New insights on fossil mammals from Casal de'Pazzi (Rome). Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences 15:x [ER 3971]
Country: Italy

Coordinate: 41.93° N, 12.56° E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Ma: 0.293

Age basis: zone

Geography comments: "in the lower Aniene river valley within the suburban area of Rome"
specifically "between the Via Nomentana and the Via Tiburtina" (Gioia et al. 2023, Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences)
coordinate based on map in Gioia et al. (2023)
assigned to MIS 8.5 based on biochronology by Palombo (2023, Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences)
the age of the MIS 8.5 interstadial is around 293 ka according to Stirling et al. (2023, Science); this is consistent with Fig. 1 in Palombo (2023)

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Archaeology: bone tools,stone tools

Habitat comments: "sand and gravel deposits showing an alternate of 30-50 cm thick units with a fining-upward trend, whose deposition occurred within a fluvial channel" (Palombo 2023)
a lithic industry of "~ 1700 specimens" plus "one retouched fragment" of bone is present according to Gioia et al. (2023), who do not indicate whether this might be a human accumulation

Life forms: carnivores,ungulates

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 70 specimens

Years: 1981 - 1986

Sampling comments: "archeological excavations were carried out between 1981 and 1986"
this inventory pertains to an area of "about 300 m2" and is "just a subset but is fairly representative of the whole large mammal fauna" (Palombo 2023)
the enire site area is "about 1300 m2" (Gioia et al. 2023)
additional taxa including birds, Emys orbicularis, plants, and "a human parietal fragment" are mentioned by Gioia et al. (2023) but are not counted and may not come from the 300 m2 area

Sample number: 4382

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-12-01 16:14:10

Modified: 2023-12-01 05:14:10

Abundance distribution
10 species
2 singletons
total count 70
extrapolated richness: 16.7
Fisher's α: 3.193
geometric series k: 0.6879
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7503
Shannon's H: 1.7443
Good's u: 0.9722
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.