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Piranga flava (bird)

Mass: 37.7 g

Diet: frugivore-insectivore based on Castaño-Villa and Patiño-Zabala 2008 and Gareca et al. 2010; insectivore based on Greenberg and Bichier 2005; omnivore based on Ribon et al. 2003, Manhäes and Loures-Ribeiro 2005, and Teles and Dias 2010

Abundance: 0.29 to 0.84% (median 0.52%)

Latitudinal range: -16.3° to 20.1°

Habitats: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (1), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (2), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (1), tropical/subtropical wetland (1)

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Found in 5 samples

Brazil: Poconé Municipality

Colombia: Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosques de la CHEC (plantación de aliso)

Mexico: Rancho Santa Elena

Nicaragua: Siuna (birds, pasture)

Peru: Cachil Valley

Size measurements:
37.7 mm(N = 1)based on

See also Piranga, Piranga leucoptera, Piranga ludoviciana, Piranga olivacea, Piranga roseogularis, Piranga rubra

Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)