Centro de Investigaciones Costeras La Mancha (active pasture)
Basic information
Sample name: Centro de Investigaciones Costeras La Mancha (active pasture)

Reference: M. A. García-Martínez, D. L. Martínez-Tlapa, G. R. Pérez-Toledo, L. N. Quiroz-Robledo, G. Castaño-Meneses, J. Laborde, and J. E. Valenzuela-Gonzâlez. 2015. Taxonomic, species and functional group diversity of ants in a tropical anthropogenic landscape. Tropical Conservation Science 8(4):1017-1032 [ER 2118]
Country: Mexico

State: Veracruz

Coordinate: 19° 36' 10" N, 96° 22' 59" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in Actopan" (basis of coordinate)

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: pasture

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 25.0

MAP: 1500.0

Habitat comments: "Originally the most common vegetation type in the area was tropical dry forest, or tropical semi-deciduous forest... The last remnants of the original tropical forest in the region are presently surrounded by different vegetation types, mainly by man-made pastures, but also by coastal scrub on sand dunes and secondary woody vegetation in different phases of succession"; the site is in "a fragment of tropical, semi-deciduous forest considered to be primary forest" (site area 9 ha)

Life forms: ants

Sampling methods: line transect,Winkler apparatus,baited,pitfall traps,other traps

Sample size: 20597 individuals

Years: 2011

Days: 6

Seasons: dry,wet or monsoon

Nets or traps: 75

Net or trap nights: 450

Trap spacing: 0.03

Sampling comments: "Sampling was conducted during the rainy (August-September 2011) and dry seasons (March-April 2012)... three parallel transects 220 m long were used... transects were placed at least 100 m apart and more than 20 m away from any habitat edge. Along each transect, five sampling stations were placed, each with a 10 m radius and located 30 m apart from each other... Each sampling station was considered to be a complex sample, composed of a subterranean trap, two pitfall traps (one with tuna bait and another without bait), and two traps placed on trees at 2 m from the ground (one baited with tuna and the other with honey) [6]. They were recovered after 72 h of exposure in the field. Additionally, a 1 m2 sample of leaf-litter was collected from the ground at each sampling station and processed with Winkler sacks"
I am assuming there was one sampling event per season, i.e., six days of sampling per station

Sample number: 2093

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-06-15 12:57:42

Modified: 2020-05-29 10:30:44

Abundance distribution
30 species
4 singletons
total count 20597
extrapolated richness: 38.6
Fisher's α: 3.450
geometric series k: 0.7173
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.4319
Shannon's H: 1.0428
Good's u: 0.9998
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.