Basic information
Sample name: Patras

Reference: O. Tzortzakaki, V. Kati, M. Panitsa, E. Tzanatos, and S. Giokas. 2019. Butterfly diversity along the urbanization gradient in a densely-built Mediterranean city: Land cover is more decisive than resources in structuring communities. Landscape and Urban Planning 183:79-87 [ER 3047]
Country: Greece

Coordinate: 38° 14' N, 21° 44' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in the city of Patras... total area = 110 km2"

Habitat: Mediterranean woodland

Altered habitat: combined

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 17.9

MAP: 607.0

Habitat comments: "The climate is typical Mediterranean... the surrounding peri-urban area is covered by agricultural land, orchards (mostly olive groves), Mediterranean shrublands, and a few scattered small remnant patches of coniferous or deciduous forests and riparian vegetation"

Life forms: butterflies

Sites: 45

Sampling methods: line transect,butterfly nets

Sample size: 1805 captures or sightings

Years: 2015

Seasons: spring

Sampling comments: "we defined three strata of decreasing urbanization. We overlaid a grid of 500 × 500 m cell size... We then stratified grid cells into the three strata based on their pro- portion of built cover" namely urban, suburban, and peri-urban, and then "defined 45 sampling sites, by randomly selecting 45 grid cells (15 cells within each zone; Fig. 1)... Butterflies were recorded along fixed transects of 300m length, walking at a constant pace, within 5 m to the side (2.5 m each side)... lasting 30 min on average. Each of the 45 sites was sampled three times between April and June 2015 at approximately monthly intervals... Individuals were captured with a hand aerial net and re- leased after identification"

Sample number: 3304

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-03-30 16:41:04

Modified: 2020-01-14 05:40:46

Abundance distribution
41 species
4 singletons
total count 1805
extrapolated richness: 51.5
Fisher's α: 7.465
geometric series k: 0.8466
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7868
Shannon's H: 2.3646
Good's u: 0.9978
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.