Ilhéus (cabrucas)
Basic information
Sample name: Ilhéus (cabrucas)

Reference: D. Faria and J. Baumgarten. 2007. Shade cacao plantations (Theobroma cacao) and bat conservation in southern Bahia, Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 16:291-312 [ER 409]
Country: Brazil

State: Bahia

Coordinate: 14° 47' S, 39° 3' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: coordinate based on Ilhéus

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: plantation

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 24.0

MAP: 1500.0

Habitat comments: 2 sites in "shade cacao farming" at least 1000 m from the nearest forest patch
there is "no identified seasonality" so the forests are assumed to be moist
MAT and MAP given in text; there is no nearby climate station with comparable data

Life forms: bats

Sites: 2

Sampling methods: no design,mist nets

Sample size: 470 captures or sightings

Days: 8

Nets or traps: 8

Net or trap nights: 64

Sampling comments: five hours of sampling with eight nets during four nights at each of two sites (= 320 mist net hours)
recaptures are "probably" included

Sample number: 1288

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-02-18 15:04:05

Modified: 2015-02-18 04:04:05

Abundance distribution
24 species
10 singletons
total count 470
extrapolated richness: 54.9
Fisher's α: 5.349
geometric series k: 0.7727
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.3535
Shannon's H: 1.0090
Good's u: 0.9788
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.