Bob White Memorial Wetlands Research and Teaching Station
Basic information
Sample name: Bob White Memorial Wetlands Research and Teaching Station

Reference: T. A. Whitsitt and P. A. Tappe. 2009. Temporal variation of a small-mammal community at a wetland restoration site in Arkansas. Southeastern Naturalist 8(3):381-386 [ER 959]
Country: United States

State: Arkansas

Coordinate: 33° 18' N, 91° 17' W
Coordinate basis: based on political unit

Geography comments: coordinate based on Chicot County

Habitat: temperate wetland

Altered habitat: cropland

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 17.8

MAP: 1410.0

Habitat comments: "a 148-ha tract of land" that is "inundated with water during the winter" and was "used for agricultural purposes (wheat, milo, rice) until enrolled" as an "easement in 2001" and restored in 2002 and 2003; "primary vegetation" includes wetland plants such as Typha and various "hardwood seedlings"
there is no nearby climate station; climate data are for Chicot County and are from Gann et al. (Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference)

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sites: 4

Site area: 3.2

Sampling methods: quadrat,baited,Sherman traps

Sample size: 615 individuals

Years: 2007

Days: 45

Nets or traps: 196

Net or trap nights: 8820

Sampling comments: "196 collapsible aluminum Sherman live traps... baited with dry rolled oats and spaced at 15 m within four, 0.8-ha, 7 x 7 grids... Trapping sessions were five days in length and took place monthly from February to October 2007"

Sample number: 1445

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-03-02 12:17:20

Modified: 2015-12-01 08:15:19

Abundance distribution
6 species
0 singletons
total count 615
extrapolated richness: 6.4
Fisher's α: 0.923
geometric series k: 0.4113
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.4817
Shannon's H: 0.9764
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.