Basic information
Sample name: Oquiriquia

Reference: D. R. Perez-Salicrup, V. L. Sork, and F. E. Putz. 2001. Lianas and trees in a liana forest of Amazonian Bolivia. Biotropica 33(1):34-47 [ER 65]
Country: Bolivia

State: Santa Cruz

Coordinate: 14° 45' S, 62° 0' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in the department of Santa Cruz... on the southernmost margins of the Amazon basin"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 25.0

CMT: 20.0

MAP: 1450.0

Dry months: 6

Habitat comments: "mean annual temperature probably ranges" from 20 to 25 and MAP "between 1200 and 1700" and "almost no precipitation occurs from May through October"; "the study area corresponds to a transition between dry and moist forest"

Life forms: trees

Sites: 24

Site area: 2.16

Sampling methods: quadrat

Sample size: 1219 individuals

Years: 1995

Seasons: dry

Size min: 10

Basal area: 19.2

Sampling comments: "From May through June 1995, we randomly established twenty-four 900-m2 square plots in a 25-ha area in Oquiriquia... We also counted and measured all trees (>5 cm DBH) in a 10x10-m subplot located at the center of each of the twenty-four 900-m2 plots" (but the latter information is not reported in the paper)

Sample number: 173

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Albert Garcia Selles

Created: 2013-03-18 10:49:30

Modified: 2016-06-04 01:39:57

Abundance distribution
84 species
21 singletons
total count 1219
extrapolated richness: 138.6
Fisher's α: 20.471
geometric series k: 0.9430
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9532
Shannon's H: 3.5390
Good's u: 0.9828
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Astrocaryum aculeatum23
Brosimum guianense68
Xylopia sericea21
Astronium fraxinifolium44
Senna sp. 133
Miconia sp. 132
Tabebuia heptaphylla61
Physocalymma scaberrimum130
Casearia sylvestris69
Inga sp. 147
Ampelocera ruizii28
Licania canescens34
Vochysia haenkeana19
Aspidosperma rigidum24
Ocotea guianensis23
Senna multijuga91
Ficus sp. 113
Sapium marmieri130
Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon26
Luehea candicans19
Dendropanax cuneatus13
Dipteryx alata9
Cordia alliodora13
Pisonia aculeata21
Clarisia ilicifolia18
Didymopanax morototoni5
Trichilia anaequilatera10
Chorisia speciosa8
Hymenaea courbaril5
Ficus sp. 23
Acacia loretensis10
Ocotea sp. 110
Spondias sp. 113
Acacia sp. 18
Cariniana estrellensis5
Euterpe precatoria11
Alseis floribunda11
Vitex cymosa2
Senna sp. 25
Ceiba samauma7
Spondias mombin6
Roupala sp. 11
Amaioua sp. 16
Pouteria guianensis5
"Pouteria hispida"
Swietenia macrophylla6
Pouteria sp. 17
Maclura tinctoria3
Cecropia sp. 14
Schizolobium amazonicum2
Lunania sp. 14
Salacia sp. 14
Angiospermae indet. 111
Phyllostylon rhamnoides1
Qualea sp. 14
Cordia glabrata1
Amaioua intermedia3
Amburana cearensis2
Jacaratia spinosa1
Dendropanax sp. 12
Brosimum gaudichaudii2
Himatanthus attenuatus2
Angiospermae indet. 131
Angiospermae indet. 21
Dendropanax arboreus2
Angiospermae indet. 122
Angiospermae indet. 32
Angiospermae indet. 62
Trichilia elegans2
Calycophyllum spruceanum1
Rollinia sp. 12
Sapium sp. 11
Angiospermae indet. 141
Angiospermae indet. 41
Angiospermae indet. 92
Rhamnidium elaeocarpum1
Combretum sp. 11
Randia sp. 11
Sloanea sp. 11
Angiospermae indet. 71
Angiospermae indet. 11
Garcinia madruno1
Guarea sp. 11
Angiospermae indet. 101
Angiospermae indet. 51