Abra-Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve (survey 1)
Basic information
Sample name: Abra-Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve (survey 1)

Reference: A. D. Hernândez-Saintmartín, O. C. Rosas-Rosas, J. Palacio-Nùñez, L. A. Tarango-Arâmbula, F. Clemente-Sânchez, and A. L. Hoogesteijn. 2013. Activity patterns of jaguar, puma and their potential prey in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 29(3):520-533 [ER 1730]
Country: Mexico

State: San Luis Potosi

Coordinate: 22° 14' N, 98° 57' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range

Geography comments: "in northeastern San Luis Potosi... about 30 km north of Ciudad Valles"
elevation 400 to 700 m

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Protection: biosphere reserve

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 25.5

MAP: 1100.0

Habitat comments: the reserve "covers approximately 220 km2 of well-preserved tropical dry forest surrounded by fragmented areas"; there is "marked seasonality: torrential rains may be present during July through October (wet season) and the dry season extends from November to May"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals,birds

Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras

Sample size: 343 captures or sightings

Years: 2010

Nets or traps: 51

Net or trap nights: 3264

Camera type: digital

Cameras paired: no

Trap spacing: 2.5

Sampling comments: the surveys was from October 16th to December 17th 2010; "Each camera station consisted of one (single stations) or two (double stations) camera traps... We programed all cameras to operate continually for 24 hrs... We placed camera stations at a distance of two to three km. No attractants were used... In the first survey we deployed 51 camera stations, 45 single and six double composed of the following brands and models: a) thirty three Capture Cuddeback® Digital; b) eight StealthCam® Digital; c) five Xtreme-5 Wildview® Digital; d) three Moultrie® DGS-200 Digital and e) eight DeerCam® DC200 35 mm"

Sample number: 1929

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-01-14 10:59:29

Modified: 2016-01-13 23:59:29

Abundance distribution
18 species
1 singleton
total count 343
extrapolated richness: 22.5
Fisher's α: 4.043
geometric series k: 0.7614
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8271
Shannon's H: 2.1451
Good's u: 0.9971
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.