Ducke Reserve (second visit)
Basic information
Sample name: Ducke Reserve (second visit)

Reference: M. B. Graça, J. L. P. Souza, E. Franklin, J. W. Morais, and P. A. C. L. Pequeno. 2017. Sampling effort and common species: Optimizing surveys of understorey fruit-feeding butterflies in the Central Amazon. Ecological Indicators 73:181-188 [ER 2271]
Country: Brazil

State: Amazonas

Coordinate: 2° 58' S, 59° 56' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range

Geography comments: "in the north of Manaus city"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Protection: forest reserve

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 25.7

Habitat comments: "a typical Amazonian evergreen rainforest, with a shady understory, abundant in sessile palms... and with a closed canopy... Ducke has been turning into an urban forest fragment for the past 15 years, but the forest within the borders has not undergone direct human impact... From November to May, rainfall reaches the highest levels"

Life forms: butterflies

Sites: 28

Sampling methods: line transect,other nets,baited,other traps

Sample size: 95 individuals

Years: 2013

Sampling comments: "a grid- shaped trail system that gives access to 30 permanent sampling plots (Fig. 1). Each sampling plot consists of one transect (250 m long × 2 m wide)... We sampled fruit-feeding butterflies from June to August 2013 in 28 plots inside a 25 km2 area by creating sampling schemes combining bait traps and insect net captures. Traps were baited with liquefied brown sugar (500 mL), plantains (3 units) and bakery yeast (1 tablespoon) after a 24-h fermentation. In each plot, we activated five traps at least 50 m apart and hung by available tree branches at a height of 1.80–2.20 m. We visited the traps every 48 h and always replaced the bait with new 24 h-fermented bait... Traps were left active for eight straight days... The plots were visited four times and during each visit, two individuals holding standard 37 cm-diameter insect nets performed the active seeking for 30 min, resulting in a four-day effort for hand nets"

Sample number: 2368

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-12-01 20:19:08

Modified: 2016-12-01 09:19:08

Abundance distribution
19 species
8 singletons
total count 95
extrapolated richness: 43.3
Fisher's α: 7.142
geometric series k: 0.8572
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8879
Shannon's H: 2.4362
Good's u: 0.9165
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.