Ulucak Höyük (Level IV)
Basic information
Sample name: Ulucak Höyük (Level IV)

Reference: C. Cakirlar. 2012. The evolution of animal husbandry in Neolithic central-west Anatolia: the zooarchaeological record from Ulucak Höyük (c. 7040-5660 cal. BC, Izmir, Turkey). Anatolian Studies 62:1-33 [ER 3762]
Country: Turkey

State: İzmir

Coordinate: 38° 28' 0" N, 27° 21' 7" E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Holocene

Section: 3762

Unit number: 1

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.00799

Min Ma: 0.00761

Age basis: radiocarbon (calibrated)

Geography comments: "Ulucak Höyük is situated 9 km east of the İzmir Bay on the western end of the Kemalpaşa Plain, 221 m asl near the Belkahve Pass, in western Anatolia, Turkey".
Radiocarbon dates place Level IV to c. 6040-5660 cal. BC (at the two sigma range).

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement

Archaeology: bone tools,buildings,ceramics,hearths,stone tools,other artifacts,other structures

Habitat comments: "The Neolithic mound of Ulucak Höyük covers a surface area of three hectares and consists of a long, seemingly uninterrupted occupational sequence".
"The latest Neolithic occupational level (IV) is characterized by mud-brick houses set on stone foundations laid out around an open area. Although the houses are generally single-spaced, there are partitions in some buildings, and some also have courtyards. Many objects were found inside the houses, including ovens, hearths, platforms, grain storage areas, pottery, stone tools, bench weights, and grinding tools. Other objects such as figurines and anthropomorphic vessels were also found".

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,turtles,fishes

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 1283 specimens

Years: 1995 -

Sampling comments: "Systematic excavations in the mound started in 1995. The majority of Ulucak’s faunal assemblage has been recovered through hand-collecting techniques. A considerable portion of the archaeological deposits has been wet sieved since 2009, although analysis of the sieved material is ongoing". The counts below pertain to the hand collected specimens only.

Sample number: 4024

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-10-20 14:00:46

Modified: 2023-05-30 02:26:06

Abundance distribution
16 species
1 singleton
total count 1283
extrapolated richness: 19.4
Fisher's α: 2.575
geometric series k: 0.6758
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8113
Shannon's H: 1.9078
Good's u: 0.9992
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Bos taurus335337 kg
also 3 Bos sp. "cattle/aurochs"
Ovis aries14341 kg
also 1142 Caprinae indet.
Capra aegagrus hircus7222 kg browser-grazer
includes 10 wild goat
Sus scrofa domesticus35754 kg herbivore
includes 19 wild boar
Canis lupus familiaris1843 kg carnivore
Dama dama15062 kg
Cervus elaphus6104 kg
also 33 Cervini indet. "fallow/red deer"
Capreolus capreolus1022 kg browser
Vulpes vulpes155.3 kg carnivore-insectivore
also 13 Caninae indet. "dog/red fox"
Martes foina21.3 kg carnivore-frugivore
Meles meles311 kg invertivore-herbivore
Lepus europaeus1473.4 kg herbivore
Rodentia indet.3
Testudinidae indet.15
most likely Testudo graeca
Aves indet.6
Sparus aurata1