Oltovâny Castle
Basic information
Sample name: Oltovâny Castle

Sample aka: Öcsény-Oltovâny

Reference: L. Bartosiewicz. 2016. Animal remains from the late medieval castellum of Ocsény-Oltovâny, southern Hungary. In \"per sylvan et per lacus nimios\": The Medieval and Ottoman Period in Southern Transdanubia, Southwest Hungary: the Contribution of the Natural Sciences (eds. G. Kovâcs, C. Zatykó, M. Zsuzsa), pp. 155-176 [ER 3951]
Country: Hungary

Coordinate: 46° 18' N, 18° 45' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.00065

Min Ma: 0.000424

Age basis: other

Geography comments: "some half a kilometer north of the edge of present-day Öcsény, a village in southern Transdanubia" (coordinate based on Öcsény)
the site elevation is 86 to 91 m but the castle itself is at 91 m
the site is "dated to between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries" and this is consistent with "a 1446 legal document supporting the typochronological dating of the archaeological finds covering the time interval between the period of the Árpâd Dynasty (ending in 1301) and the beginning of the Ottoman-Turkish occupation of Hungary in 1526 that probably also marked the end of the small castle’s history", so the age is approximately 1300 to 1526 AD or 650 to 424 BP

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,midden,settlement

Archaeology: bone tools,buildings,metal tools,other structures

Habitat comments: the castle site includes "five houses of various structures, refuse pits, and remains of the inner palisade" but the source of the material is otherwise unclear
"metal objects" including weapons were recovered and there is worked "bone and antler"
ceramics are not discussed

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 2037 specimens

Years: 1988, 1990 - 1992

Sampling comments: sieving and screening were definitely not carried out

Sample number: 4357

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-08-24 19:23:29

Modified: 2023-08-24 09:23:29

Abundance distribution
15 species
0 singletons
total count 2037
extrapolated richness: 17.1
Fisher's α: 2.195
geometric series k: 0.6503
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6780
Shannon's H: 1.4630
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Sus scrofa domesticus82754 kg herbivore
"Sus domesticus"
Bos taurus785337 kg
Ovis aries14641 kg
plus 341 Caprinae
Capra aegagrus hircus3722 kg browser-grazer
"Capra hircus"
Equus ferus caballus3422 kg
"Equus caballus"
Canis lupus familiaris1143 kg carnivore
"Canis familiaris"
Gallus gallus domesticus829.1 g frugivore-granivore
"Gallus domesticus"
Anser anser domesticus23.5 kg
"Anser domesticus"
Cervus elaphus67104 kg
59 bone and 8 antler
Capreolus capreolus3822 kg browser
Sus scrofa7854 kg herbivore
Lepus europaeus173.4 kg herbivore
Castor fiber11
Meles meles311 kg invertivore-herbivore
Vulpes vulpes45.3 kg carnivore-insectivore