Alatish National Park (wooded grassland)
Basic information
Sample name: Alatish National Park (wooded grassland)
Reference: T. Habtamu and A. Bekele. 2008. Habitat association of insectivores and rodents of Alatish National Park, northwestern Ethiopia. Tropical Ecology 49(1):1-11 [ER 882]
Country: Ethiopia
Coordinate: 12° 12' N, 35° 34' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Geography comments: five sites scattered througout the northern half of the park
coordinate is the midpoint of those for the five sites
elevation 528 to 654 m
coordinate is the midpoint of those for the five sites
elevation 528 to 654 m
Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
MAT: 27.0
MAP: 800.0
Habitat comments: "a tropical semi-arid zone" with "a low diversity of vegetation dominated by few species of deciduous trees... and few tall annual grasses"
MAP 600 to 1000; min 13.6 to 19.2, max 34.0 to 41.1 (grand mean 26.975)
MAP 600 to 1000; min 13.6 to 19.2, max 34.0 to 41.1 (grand mean 26.975)
Life forms: rodents,other small mammals
Sites: 5
Sampling methods: quadrat,baited,Sherman traps,hand capture
Sample size: 176 individuals
Years: 2004, 2005
Nets or traps: 250
Sampling comments: at each site there were 50 small, medium, and large Sherman traps spaced 10 m apart on a grid and baited with "peanut butter mixed with corn flour"; large rodents were caught with "local rodent snares" and "extreme trap shy rodents were excavated"
Sample number: 1260
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2015-02-17 18:58:45
Modified: 2015-02-17 07:58:45
Abundance distribution
23 species
5 singletons
total count 176
geometric series index: 40.1
Fisher's α: 7.067
geometric series k: 0.8379
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8439
Shannon's H: 2.3638
Good's u: 0.9720
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Arvicanthis dembeensis | 49 | |
Arvicanthis niloticus | 43 | 90.6 g |
Desmomys harringtoni | 12 | |
Mastomys natalensis | 10 | |
Mastomys erythroleucus | 5 | 28.1 g |
Stenocephalemys albipes | 6 | |
Acomys cahirinus | 10 | |
Acomys wilsoni | 5 | |
Acomys cineraceus | 5 | |
Acomys sp. A | 1 | |
Gerbilliscus robustus | 2 | |
"Tatera robusta" | ||
Gerbilliscus validus | 2 | |
"Tatera valida" | ||
Gerbilliscus phillipsi | 3 | |
"Tatera phillipsi" | ||
Muridae indet. A | 1 | |
Muridae indet. B | 2 | |
Mus musculus | 1 | 17.6 g |
Mus tenellus | 1 | |
Crocidura flavescens | 7 | |
Crocidura turba | 4 | |
Crocidura fumosa | 2 | |
Crocidura smithii | 2 | |
"Crocidura smithi" | ||
Atelerix albiventris | 2 | |
Euxerus erythropus | 1 |