Arly National Park (2017)
Basic information
Sample name: Arly National Park (2017)
Reference: N. C. Harris, K. L. Mills, Y. Harrisou, E. M. Hema, I. T. Gnoumou, J. VanZoeren, Y. I. Abdel-Nasser, and B. Doamba. 2019. First camera survey in Burkina Faso and Niger reveals human pressures on mammal communities within the largest protected area complex in West Africa. Conservation Letters 12(e12667):1-8 [ER 3310]
Country: Burkina Faso
Coordinate: 11° 35' N, 1° 28' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Geography comments: coordinate based on Arli National Park
Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals
Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras
Sample size: 1717 captures or sightings
Years: 2017
Seasons: dry
Nets or traps: 21
Net or trap nights: 1577
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Trap spacing: 10
Sampling comments: sampling was "during the dry season (January-May)" in 2017
a "10 x 10 km gridded survey design" was used
"We used a combination of infrared and white-flash cameras (Reconyx PC800, PC850, PC900) without bait"
"we captured several small mammals such as ground squirrel, hare, rats, and mice and aggregated into a generic small mammal group “ROD+”. Bats and galago (Galago senagelensis) were also detected but excluded from analysis because our study focused on terrestrial mammals"
a "10 x 10 km gridded survey design" was used
"We used a combination of infrared and white-flash cameras (Reconyx PC800, PC850, PC900) without bait"
"we captured several small mammals such as ground squirrel, hare, rats, and mice and aggregated into a generic small mammal group “ROD+”. Bats and galago (Galago senagelensis) were also detected but excluded from analysis because our study focused on terrestrial mammals"
Sample number: 3684
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2020-10-21 12:18:43
Modified: 2020-10-21 01:25:52
Abundance distribution
31 species
2 singletons
total count 1717
geometric series index: 36.5
Fisher's α: 5.372
geometric series k: 0.8260
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9107
Shannon's H: 2.7356
Good's u: 0.9988
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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