Kotada Bhadli
Basic information
Sample name: Kotada Bhadli

Reference: P. Goyal, P. Shirvalkar, and Y. S. Rawat. 2018. Archaeozoological finds from Kotada Bhadli, Gujarat, a Late Mature Harappan site. Man and Environment 43(2):67-83 [ER 3378]
Country: India

State: Gujarat

Coordinate: 23° 20' N, 69° 20' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.00425

Min Ma: 0.00405

Age basis: stage

Geography comments: "The site of Kotada Bhadli is located in the Nakhatrana Taluka, District Kachchh, Gujarat"
"The site is approximately 1.258 ha in size, and is located on a confluence zone of two rivers"
"The excavated ceramic assemblage is typical of Mature Harappan as well as regional Sorath Harappan types"
"These indicate that the site belongs to the Late Mature Harappan period ... dated between 2300 BCE and 2100 BCE"

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement

Archaeology: bone tools,buildings,ceramics,stone tools,other artifacts

Habitat comments: "Excavations at the site revealed evidence of a multi-roomed residential structure ... along with a fortification wall all around the site"
Numerous ceramics and "material culture such as spherical weights, terracotta beads," and "chert blades from the site" have also been reported
"Most of the bones were found in a highly fragmented condition" likely "a result of various factors such as butchering activities, food processing and consumption" ... etc.
"Several skeletal fragments ... contain cutting and butchering marks" and "a large number of bones ... revealed marks of charring"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,marine mammals,other large mammals,other small mammals,lizards,turtles,other reptiles,clams,snails

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 3710 specimens

Sampling comments: "The site was excavated for three seasons (2010-2013)"
"The faunal material comes from 29 trenches" in an effort "to sample all areas of the site"
"The bones were hand-picked and no sieving procedure was conducted to collect the bones"

Sample number: 3751

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2021-05-31 15:32:27

Modified: 2023-02-25 11:12:29

Abundance distribution
36 species
5 singletons
total count 3710
geometric series index: 47.8
Fisher's α: 5.530
geometric series k: 0.8101
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7803
Shannon's H: 2.1340
Good's u: 0.9987
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Bos taurus indicus1591337 kg
"Bos indicus"
Bubalus bubalis381425 kg
also 3605 Bovinae indet. "Bos/Bubalus"
Capra aegagrus hircus17322 kg browser-grazer
"Capra hircus"
Ovis aries4241 kg
also 2612 Caprinae indet "Capra/Ovis"
Sus scrofa24854 kg herbivore
236 of these are listed as "Sus domesticus"
Canis lupus familiaris3543 kg carnivore
"Canis familiaris"
Felis catus2
Boselaphus tragocamelus173263 kg browser-grazer
Cervus unicolor33100 kg grazer-browser
Axis axis3440 kg browser-grazer
Muntiacus vaginalis3
"Muntiacus muntjak": reassignment is based on geography
Moschiola indica2
"Tragulus meminna"
Antilope cervicapra14241 kg
Gazella bennettii19217 kg browser-grazer
"Gazella bennetti"
Tetracerus quadricornis22
Melursus ursinus167 kg insectivore-frugivore
Elephas maximus93711 kg grazer-browser
Panthera pardus133 kg carnivore
Lepus nigricollis389
Urva edwardsii2
"Herpestes edwardsii"
Hystrix indica1013 kg browser
Dugong ? dugon1
Rattus rattus26121 g
Varanus bengalensis15
Lissemys punctata91
Pangshura tecta8
"Kachuga tecta"
Crocodylus porosus8
Lamellidens marginalis16
Paphia gallus24
Terebralia palustris6
Thais carinifera2
Anadara sp.1
Telescopium telescopium1
Turbinella pyrum7
Melania stritella3
Zootecus insularis16