Roussillon, Québec
Basic information
Sample name: Roussillon, Québec
Reference: C. Pelletier-Guittier, J. Théau, and J. Dupras. 2020. Use of hedgerows by mammals in an intensive agricultural landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 302:107079 [ER 3408]
Country: Canada
State: Québec
Coordinate: 45° 20' N, 73° 26' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Geography comments: "We conducted our research on private properties in the regional county municipality (RCM) of Roussillon, in southern Québec, Canada"
Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest
Altered habitat: cropland
Protection: unprotected
Substrate: ground surface
Disturbance: agriculture
Habitat comments: "The region was selected for its intensive agriculture landscape and the low number of woodlots"
"Agriculture covers 73 % of the RCM, and the average area occupied by each farm has grown steadily in the past decade as a result of agricultural intensification"
"The crops adjacent to the hedgerows were mostly grains and cereals, but some were vegetables"
"Agriculture covers 73 % of the RCM, and the average area occupied by each farm has grown steadily in the past decade as a result of agricultural intensification"
"The crops adjacent to the hedgerows were mostly grains and cereals, but some were vegetables"
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals
Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras
Sample size: 420 captures or sightings
Years: 2018
Seasons: spring,summer,autumn
Nets or traps: 23
Net or trap nights: 1572
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Sampling comments: "Twenty-three hedgerows were selected on the RCM territory based on the following criteria: (1) presence of agricultural fields on each side; (2) width > 3 m; (3) length > 300 m; and (4) relatively homogenous vegetation"
"Sampled hedgerows averaged 7 m and 662 m in width and length, respectively"
"Hedgerow use by medium- to large-sized mammals was surveyed using SpyPoint Force 10 infrared-triggered camera traps (GG Telecom, Québec, Canada)"
One camera was placed at mid-length of each hedgerow and was attached to an iron post or secured to vegetation so that the infrared beam was set at a height of 0.65 m"
"Cameras were installed with a 30° angle so they could capture the animals passing through that side of the hedgerow"
"Hedgerow sampling was conducted over 18 weeks in 2018, from late spring to early fall (May to September)"
"To segregate independent detections of the same species, individuals detected within a period of 30 min were counted as one"
"Sampled hedgerows averaged 7 m and 662 m in width and length, respectively"
"Hedgerow use by medium- to large-sized mammals was surveyed using SpyPoint Force 10 infrared-triggered camera traps (GG Telecom, Québec, Canada)"
One camera was placed at mid-length of each hedgerow and was attached to an iron post or secured to vegetation so that the infrared beam was set at a height of 0.65 m"
"Cameras were installed with a 30° angle so they could capture the animals passing through that side of the hedgerow"
"Hedgerow sampling was conducted over 18 weeks in 2018, from late spring to early fall (May to September)"
"To segregate independent detections of the same species, individuals detected within a period of 30 min were counted as one"
Sample number: 3792
Contributor: Benjamin Carter
Enterer: Benjamin Carter
Created: 2021-06-10 15:19:04
Modified: 2021-06-13 23:47:45
Abundance distribution
7 species
0 singletons
total count 420
geometric series index: 8.1
Fisher's α: 1.193
geometric series k: 0.4551
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6420
Shannon's H: 1.2889
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Odocoileus virginianus | 225 | 75 kg herbivore |
Procyon lotor | 85 | 5.5 kg carnivore-granivore |
Canis latrans | 64 | 12 kg carnivore-insectivore |
Vulpes vulpes | 31 | 5.3 kg carnivore-insectivore |
Mephitis mephitis | 9 | 1.5 kg carnivore-insectivore |
Sciurus carolinensis | 4 | 519 g frugivore |
Sylvilagus floridanus | 2 | 1.1 kg herbivore |