Basic information
Sample name: Meninx
Reference: S. Trixl, S. Ben Tahar, S. Ritter, and J. Peters. 2020. Wool sheep and purple snails - Long-term continuity of animal exploitation in ancient Meninx (Jerba/Tunisia). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 30(6):811-823 [ER 3826]
Country: Tunisia
Coordinate: 33° 41' N, 10° 55' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Holocene
Max Ma: 0.00235
Min Ma: 0.00125
Age basis: other
Geography comments: "in Jerba" (coordinate based on Meninx)
"from the fourth century BCE until the seventh century CE" based on "archaeological research"
"from the fourth century BCE until the seventh century CE" based on "archaeological research"
Lithology: not described
Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement
Archaeology: buildings,ceramics
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,fishes,clams,snails
Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash
Sample size: 2428 specimens
Years: 2017, 2018
Sampling comments: excavations were "in four trenches south and west of the forum, the macellum and its surroundings, two residential buildings and private thermae"
in at least some locations there were "several wet-sieved units"
"Large quantities of tiny fish bones preserved in ceramic vessels and refuse pits" are also present
taxa with no counts are Brachyura, indeterminate canids, Caretta caretta, Caretta caretta/Chelonia mydas, Homo sapiens, and Sepia officinalis
in at least some locations there were "several wet-sieved units"
"Large quantities of tiny fish bones preserved in ceramic vessels and refuse pits" are also present
taxa with no counts are Brachyura, indeterminate canids, Caretta caretta, Caretta caretta/Chelonia mydas, Homo sapiens, and Sepia officinalis
Sample number: 4173
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2023-03-15 21:00:28
Modified: 2023-08-20 09:37:37
Abundance distribution
67 species
27 singletons
total count 2428
geometric series index: 138.7
Fisher's α: 12.751
geometric series k: 0.9094
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8751
Shannon's H: 2.5080
Good's u: 0.9889
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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