Basic information
Sample name: Romain-la-Roche
Reference: C. Guérin, P. Paupe, J. Affolter, A. Argant, J. Argant, P. Auguste, J.-J. Bahain, S. Baillon, N. Boulbes, J. Detrey, C. Durlet, C. Falguères, P. Fernandez, P. Fosse, J.-B. Fourvel, J. Gayet, L. Gourichon, J. Jeannet, B. Labe, O. Le Gall, T. Malvesy, D. Motte, F. Rosselières, Q. Shao, and C. Vercoutère. 2010. Le gisement pléistocene moyen récent de Romain-la-Roche (Doubs, France): synthèse biostratigraphique et paléoécologique. Revue de Paléobiologie 29(2):881-885 [ER 3973]
Country: France
Coordinate: 47° 27' N, 6° 23' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Middle Pleistocene
Ma: 0.162
Age basis: ESR
Geography comments: "á 500 m au NE du chef-lieu de la commune, qui fait partie du Canton de Rougemont" (coordinate based on Romain-la-Roche)
assigned to "MNQ 24 (end of the MIS 6)" based on biochronology
multiple ESR/U-Th dates for the lower levels in the sequence yield an average age of 162 ± 11 ka that confirms an MIS 6 age (Bahain et al. 2011)
assigned to "MNQ 24 (end of the MIS 6)" based on biochronology
multiple ESR/U-Th dates for the lower levels in the sequence yield an average age of 162 ± 11 ka that confirms an MIS 6 age (Bahain et al. 2011)
Lithology: breccia
Taphonomic context: bird accumulation,cave,pitfall trap
Archaeology: stone tools
Habitat comments: "a natural trap where fall numerous large mammals, and where diverse small vertebrates were transported as preys of birds... Neanderthal Man seems to have entered sporadically the site and left in it some Mousterian artefacts but the accumulation of fossils in the swallowhole was not the result of any human agency"
the lithology is "gros blocs calcaires, de cailloutis et de fragments de calcite, tous emballés dans une argile de décalcification jaune-rougeãtre, avec des bréchifications" (meaning a limestone breccia)
the lithology is "gros blocs calcaires, de cailloutis et de fragments de calcite, tous emballés dans une argile de décalcification jaune-rougeãtre, avec des bréchifications" (meaning a limestone breccia)
Life forms: bats,carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,lizards,snakes,frogs
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 10712 specimens
Years: 1980 - 1991
Sampling comments: "excavated between 1980 and 1991 by Patrick PAUPE and his team"
95 gastropod shells and three species of fishe are also present
coprolites assigned to Crocuta spelaea are also present
95 gastropod shells and three species of fishe are also present
coprolites assigned to Crocuta spelaea are also present
Sample number: 4384
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2023-12-02 17:08:35
Modified: 2023-12-02 07:06:30
Abundance distribution
64 species
14 singletons
total count 10712
geometric series index: 92.9
Fisher's α: 9.042
geometric series k: 0.8847
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9011
Shannon's H: 2.7514
Good's u: 0.9987
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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