Onychogomphus forcipatus (odonate)

Abundance: 0.53 to 13.22% (median 1.39%)

Latitudinal range: 25.7° to 45.2°

Habitats: Mediterranean woodland (3), desert/xeric shrubland (1), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (2)

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Found in 6 samples

Egypt: Banana Island (adults)

France: Canal de Vergières

Italy: Bosco della Fontana (Site 2, adults)

Portugal: Guadiana River (2003)

Spain: Cañaveroso stream

Turkey: Kurupelit

See also Onychogomphus, Onychogomphus bistrigatus, Onychogomphus lefebvrii, Onychogomphus schmidti, Onychogomphus uncatus