Mass: 240 g based on Smith 1995
Abundance: 0.14 to 25.97% (median 3.12%)
Latitudinal range: 35.5° to 46.6°Habitats: (13) only
Found in 13 samples
United States: Crystal Ball Cave (Late Pleistocene), Haystack Cave (upper levels) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Haystack Cave (lower levels) (Late Pleistocene), Dead Indian Creek (Holocene), Camels Back Cave (Stratum I) (Holocene), Camels Back Cave (Stratum II) (Holocene), Mescal Cave (Pleistocene - Holocene), Pintwater Cave (Unit 3, level 8) (Late Pleistocene), Sunshine Locality (Unit D) (Holocene), Smith Creek Canyon (Reddish-brown Silt) (Late Pleistocene), Marmes Rockshelter (Harrison horizon) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Marmes Rockshelter (Marmes horizon) (Holocene), Marmes Rockshelter (A6-16 horizon) (Late Pleistocene)
body mass | 240 g | (N = 12) | based on Smith 1995 |
See also Neotoma, Neotoma albigula, Neotoma floridana, Neotoma fossilis, Neotoma fuscipes, Neotoma lepida, Neotoma leucodon, Neotoma magister, Neotoma mexicana, Neotoma micropus, Neotoma quadriplicata, Neotoma sp., Neotoma spp., Neotoma stephensi