Neotoma lepida (rodent)

Mass: 117 g based on Djawdan and Garland Jr 1988, Smith 1995, Stallone 1979, and Yousef et al. 1974

Abundance: 0.05 to 10.98% (median 5.19%)

Latitudinal range: 36.4° to 42.3°

Habitats: (4), desert/xeric shrubland (2)

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Found in 6 samples

United States: Raft River Valley, Las Vegas Valley, Crystal Ball Cave (Late Pleistocene), Camels Back Cave (Stratum II) (Holocene), Pintwater Cave (Unit 3, level 8) (Late Pleistocene), Smith Creek Canyon (Reddish-brown Silt) (Late Pleistocene)

Size measurements:
body mass110.6 gN = 10Djawdan and Garland Jr 1988
body mass110 gN = 14Smith 1995
body mass139.4 gN = 10Stallone 1979
body mass136.2 gN = 10Stallone 1979
body mass98.9 gN = 12Yousef et al. 1974
♂ condylobasal length37.7 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
ear length25 mmN = 1Thomas 1893
head and body length180 mmN = 1Thomas 1893
♂ hind foot length31 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
hind foot length31 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
hind foot length31.5 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
hind foot length27.2 mmN = 1Thomas 1893
♂ skull length39.6 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
♂ skull width20.9 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
skull width21.2 mmN = 1Thomas 1893
♂ tail length125 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
tail length126 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
tail length142 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
tail length100 mmN = 1Thomas 1893
♂ total body length288 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
total body length290 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
total body length300 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
♂ upper tooth row length8 mmN = 1Goldman 1932
upper tooth row length7.5 mmN = 1Thomas 1893

See also Neotoma, Neotoma albigula, Neotoma cinerea, Neotoma floridana, Neotoma fossilis, Neotoma fuscipes, Neotoma leucodon, Neotoma magister, Neotoma mexicana, Neotoma micropus, Neotoma quadriplicata, Neotoma sp., Neotoma spp., Neotoma stephensi