Basic information
Sample name: Roglove

Reference: M. E. Nelson and J. H. Madsen Jr. 1987. A new Clarendonian (late Miocene) fauna from eastern Nevada. University of Wyoming Contributions to Geology 25(1):23-28 [ER 4180]
Country: United States

State: Nevada

County: Elko

Coordinate: 40.73° N, -114.05° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Scale: outcrop

Time interval: Middle Miocene

Zone: Clarendonian

Ma: 11.65

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: from "several contiguous outcrops" that are "southwest of Wendover" (no further information given, but probably no farther west than West Wendover: coordinate estimated using Google Maps)
said to be Clarendonian

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Habitat comments: "poorly consolidated, tuffaceous siltstone and sandstone"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 110 specimens

Years: 1977 - 1981

Museum: Fort Hays State University

Sampling comments: the fossils were "brought to the attention of Madsen in 1977 by Mr. Ward Glover and Mr. Roger Price of Salt Lake City... collecting trips were made... from 1978-1981. In 1981 Nelson and L. D. Vogler screened approximately one-half ton of sediment"
"All material" is in the Sternberg Memorial Museum of Fort Hays State University

Sample number: 4642

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2025-01-07 10:08:53

Modified: 2025-01-07 10:08:53

Abundance distribution
11 species
2 singletons
total count 110
geometric series index: 17.3
Fisher's α: 3.043
geometric series k: 0.6629
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6599
Shannon's H: 1.5994
Good's u: 0.9821
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Hypolagus vetus8
Epicyon saevus2
Leptocyon vafer3
Aepycamelus sp.9
Procamelus cf. grandis6
Camelidae indet.11
small: Michenia or Protolabis
Merycodus furcatus = †Cosoryx furcatus61
58 enumerated specimens plus "isolated upper cheek teeth" listed under one catalog number
Equidae indet.6
Teleoceras major2
"Teleoceras fossiger": compared to the Big Spring Canyon and Jack Swayze Quarry forms, which are both Teleoceras major
Gomphotherium productum1
Rodentia indet.1