Empalme QuerandÃes 1
Basic information
Sample name: Empalme QuerandÃes 1
Reference: P. G. Messineo, M. C. Alvarez, C. F. Dubois, P. Steffan, and M. J. Colantonio. 2013. Estado de avance de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el sitio Empalme Querandíes 1 (Centro de la Subregión Pampa Hùmeda, Provincia de Buenos Aires). Comechingonia 17(1):123-148 [ER 3383]
Country: Argentina
State: Buenos Aires
Coordinate: 37° 0' 22" S, 60° 22' 39" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Time interval: Holocene
Max Ma: 0.003905
Min Ma: 0.002025
Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)
Geography comments: "en la cuenca superior del Arroyo Tapalqué"
there are uncablibrated 14C dates of 2025 +/- 62, 2816 +/- 49, and 3095 +/- 50 ybp on Lama guanicoe bones
there are uncablibrated 14C dates of 2025 +/- 62, 2816 +/- 49, and 3095 +/- 50 ybp on Lama guanicoe bones
Lithology: siltstone
Taphonomic context: human accumulation,paleosol
Archaeology: bone tools,ceramics,stone tools
Habitat comments: the sediment is apparently almost all silt, with paleosol development (p. 128)
there are lithics, ceramics, pigments, eggshells, and bone tools
there are thought to have been at least three occupations based on the dates
material was found in multiple layers ranging down from the overlying soil, but most is from concentrations in layers 2Ab1 and 2Ab2
there are lithics, ceramics, pigments, eggshells, and bone tools
there are thought to have been at least three occupations based on the dates
material was found in multiple layers ranging down from the overlying soil, but most is from concentrations in layers 2Ab1 and 2Ab2
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,birds,fishes,clams,snails
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 843 specimens
Years: 2010, 2011
Sampling comments: the excavation had an area of 6 m2
a breakdown of screened snail shells per layer is given in Table 1, but all other taxa are listed in Table 3 with no breakdown
numerous Rhea eggshells and isolated armadillo scutes are also present
a breakdown of screened snail shells per layer is given in Table 1, but all other taxa are listed in Table 3 with no breakdown
numerous Rhea eggshells and isolated armadillo scutes are also present
Sample number: 3757
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2021-06-05 09:11:56
Modified: 2021-06-04 23:11:56
Abundance distribution
15 species
2 singletons
total count 843
geometric series index: 21.9
Fisher's α: 2.592
geometric series k: 0.6311
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.4261
Shannon's H: 1.0115
Good's u: 0.9976
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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