Beck Ranch
Basic information
Sample name: Beck Ranch

Sample aka: White Quarry; Yellow Quarry

Reference: W. W. Dalquest. 1978. Early Blancan mammals of the Beck Ranch local fauna of Texas. Journal of Mammalogy 59(2):269-298 [ER 4168]
Country: United States

State: Texas

County: Scurry

Coordinate: 32.72° N, -100.74° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Scale: outcrop

Time interval: Early Pliocene

Zone: Blancan

Ma: 3.4

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: "The Yellow Quarry is located on the western bank of the wash, approximately 300 feet southeast of the Beck ranch house... The White Quarry, located about 100 feet downstream (south)... is on the east bank of the wash" but both quarries are from "a single horizon"
"just south of U.S. Highway 180 and about 10 miles east of Snyder, Scurry County" (Brodkorb 1971) (this is apparently about 3 km west of Midway: coordinate estimated using Google Maps)
elevation 2,350 ft
thought to be early Blancan and older than Hagerman (i.e., Early Pliocene)
possibly "an extension of the Ogallala Formation"

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "The fossil-bearing sediments are principally yellow sand and gray clay, often intricately mixed in a contorted fashion, lying on a thick, almost featureless, non-fossiliferous layer of Early Blancan loess. The Blancan sediments seem to represent a basin fill... The fossiliferous, upper parts of the deposit were formed by marshy, low gradient streams that reworked the upper parts of the loess stratum. The site is visualized as a swamp or marsh, partly clogged with patches of rushes or reeds separated by shallow, gently-moving water... Fossils are equally abundant in clay and sand"

Life forms: bats,carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 3353 specimens

Years: 1965, 1968 - 1973

Museum: Midwestern State University

Sampling comments: "discovered at the Beck Ranch by the author in 1965... it was not until 1968 that a study of the site and its fauna began. During the following five years, matrix from two quarries was processed"
fossils were "recovered from approximately 65 tons of sand and clay matrix removed primarily from two quarries"
a woodpecker from the sample was described by Brodkorb (1971) and reptiles by Rogers (1976)

Sample number: 4628

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2025-01-02 04:19:11

Modified: 2025-01-02 04:19:11

Abundance distribution
56 species
10 singletons
total count 3353
geometric series index: 83.2
Fisher's α: 9.550
geometric series k: 0.8732
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7095
Shannon's H: 2.0174
Good's u: 0.9970
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Sorex taylori4
Notiosorex jacksoni7
Beckiasorex hibbardi9
Paracryptotis rex1
Scalopus rexroadi = †Hesperoscalops rexroadi41
39 plus "other postcranial elements"
Lasionycteris noctivagans110.0 g insectivore
Eptesicus aff. fuscus117.2 g insectivore
"near" this species
Lasiurus borealis211.5 g insectivore
Antrozous pallidus116.5 g insectivore
Alilepus wilsoni2
White (1991)
Pratilepus kansasensis20
see also White (1991)
Hypolagus ringoldensis21
White (1988): part of Dalquest''s Hypolagis regalis
Hypolagus regalis9
see White (1988)
Pewelagus dawsonae3
White (1988)
Notolagus lepusculus131
see also White (1991)
Nekrolagus progressus147
see also White (1991)
Spermophilus sp.300
"several hundred isolated teeth" plus one jaw
Geomys minor = †Nerterogeomys minor1729
estimated total
Geomys sp.3
Perognathus carpenteri2
Perognathus cf. rexroadensis53
Perognathus aff. pearlettensis5
"near" this species
Prodipodomys centralis42
Peromyscus beckensis = †Symmetrodontomys beckensis5
Peromyscus kansasensis13
Reithrodontomys cf. rexroadensis1
Baiomys rexroadi31
Bensonomys eliasi12
Symmetrodontomys simplicidens5
Onychomys gidleyi9
Sigmodon medius300
"many jaws and hundreds of isolated teeth"
Neotoma cf. fossilis17
Zakrzewski (1993): "Neotoma (Paraneotoma) cf. sawrockensis"; 14 jaws plus "many isolated cheek teeth"
Neotoma (Paraneotoma) quadriplicata120
20 jaws and "more than 100 isolated cheek teeth"
Ogmodontomys poaphagus36
Borophagus diversidens10
including "isolated phalanges": see also Wang et al. (1999)
Canis cf. lepophagus1
Vulpes aff. velox42.4 kg carnivore
"near" this species
Urocyon sp.4
Canidae indet.1
Bassariscus casei4
Nasua pronarica1
Mustela rexroadensis3
Spilogale rexroadi14
including "isolated teeth and tooth fragments"
Spilogale microdens1
Buisnictis breviramus3
Brachyopsigale dubius1
Taxidea cf. taxus27.0 kg carnivore
Felis rexroadensis = †Lynx rexroadensis6
Werdelin (1985): "Felis lacustris"
Proboscidea indet.2
"tooth fragments"
Nannippus beckensis178
type: see Dalquest and Donovan (1973), who list the type skull, 27 other specimens, "approximately 150 isolated teeth", and "isolated bones"
Equus (Dolichohippus) cf. simplicidens17
Equus cf. cumminsii2
Platygonus aff. bicalcaratus4
"near" this species
Hemiauchenia sp.3
Antilocapridae indet. large4
Antilocapridae indet. small5
2 plus "numerous isolated teeth and tooth fragments"