Gomphotherium angustidens (extinct ungulate)

Abundance: 0.21 to 51.27% (median 12.50%)

Latitudinal range: 29.2° to 48.3°

Habitats: (6) only

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Found in 6 samples

Egypt: Siwa (Middle Miocene)

France: Le Baradieu (Early Miocene), Collet-Redon (Middle Miocene)

Germany: Eggingen-Mittlehart 3 (Early Miocene)

Spain: Somosaguas-North (Middle Miocene), Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela (Middle Miocene)

See also Gomphotherium, Gomphotherium productum, Gomphotherium sp., Gomphotherium subtapiroideum