Croc Tooth Quarry
Basic information
Sample name: Croc Tooth Quarry

Reference: R. Secord. 2008. The Tiffanian land-mammal age (middle and late Paleocene) in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology 35:1-192 [ER 4123]
Country: United States

State: Wyoming

County: Park

Coordinate: 44° 40' 48" N, 108° 19' 12" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Scale: quarry

Time interval: Late Palaeocene

Zone: Tiffanian

Section: Polecat Bench

Unit number: 5

Unit order: below to above

Max Ma: 59.237

Min Ma: 58.959

Age basis: paleomag

Geography comments: the location is stated in UTM coordinates
within Ti-4b, within chron 26n, and at 365 m (415 m in the composite northwestern Wyoming section of Gingerich 2001) (the age assignment is based on 26r and follows Ogg 2000)

Lithology: not described

Habitat comments: I am unable to locate a description of the lithology or taphonomy in Secord (2008)

Life forms: carnivores,primates,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sample size: 69 specimens

Sampling comments: information on sampling methods is not given
Neoplagiaulax mckennai was reported by Sloan (1978), but Secord was unable to confirm the identification

Sample number: 4564

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2024-12-06 21:45:32

Modified: 2024-12-06 22:08:39

Abundance distribution
21 species
9 singletons
total count 69
geometric series index: 52.1
Fisher's α: 10.280
geometric series k: 0.8764
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9013
Shannon's H: 2.6418
Good's u: 0.8708
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.