Basic information
Sample name: PTRM-V92067

Reference: J. P. Hunter and D. A. Pearson. 1996. First record of Lancian (Late Cretaceous) mammals from the Hell Creek Formation of southwestern North Dakota, USA. Cretaceous Research 17(5):633-643 [ER 4120]
Country: United States

State: North Dakota

County: Bowman

Coordinate: 46.13° N, -103.81° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Scale: outcrop

Formation: Hell Creek

Time interval: Maastrichtian

Zone: Lancian

Geography comments: "in the Little Missouri badlands on public (county) land in the NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4 section 27, T131N, R105W. The site consists of three low, sandy knobs in a valley floor approximately 2910 feet (1018.5m) above sea-level"
"near the middle of the 110-m thick... approximately 35 m below the contact with the overlying Ludlow Formation. The K/T boundary occurs approximately 1 m above the Hell Creek–Ludlow contact"
the site is "within megafloral biozone HC IIb... HC II and III floral biozones coincide with Sphenodiscus (Coahuilites) and younger biozones of the Western Interior ammonite zonation"

Lithology: sandstone

Habitat comments: "Trenching into one of the knobs revealed that vertebrate fossils occur in three thin (<1 m) sandstone lenses intercalated with mudstones of comparable thickness (Figure 1A). Most material, however, was collected from a sandy wash at the surface and thus could not be associated with a particular horizon."

Life forms: other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,surface

Sample size: 34 specimens

Years: 1995

Museum: Pioneer Trails Regional Museum

Sampling comments: "More than 2500 specimens of fossil vertebrates have been collected at PTRM-V92067 of which about 2200 have been identified at least to the ordinal level" and percentages of lizards, birds, snakes, fish, dinosaurs, turtles, "amphibians", crocodilians, and champsosaurs are illustrated
apparently collected by a crew led by Hunter in 1995

Sample number: 4557

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2024-12-04 10:13:41

Modified: 2024-12-04 10:13:41

Abundance distribution
5 species
3 singletons
total count 34
geometric series index: 13.9
Fisher's α: 1.617
geometric series k: 0.4472
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.4082
Shannon's H: 0.8433
Good's u: 0.9118
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Mesodma sp.1
Meniscoessus robustus25
"species group sensu Flynn (1986)"
Didelphodon vorax6
Pediomys cf. florencae = †Protolambda cf. florencae1
Gypsonictops illuminatus1