Full citation
S. R. May. 2019. The Lapara Creek Fauna: Early Clarendonian of south Texas, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica 22.1.15A:1-129 [ER 4065]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by Nicholas Vine on 2024-11-15
Samples: Bridge Ranch, Buckner Ranch, Farish Ranch, Ten Mile Waterhole Creek
Size measurements: Cranioceras teres (M2 length 14.4 mm), Cranioceras teres (M2 width 16.6 mm), Cranioceras teres (M2 length 15.5 mm), Cranioceras teres (M2 width 17.2 mm), Cranioceras teres (m1 length 17.9 mm), Cranioceras teres (m1 width 11.1 mm)