Martin Canyon Quarry A
Basic information
Sample name: Martin Canyon Quarry A

Reference: R. W. Wilson. 1960. Early Miocene rodents and insectivores from northeastern Colorado. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions 7:1-92 [ER 4189]
Country: United States

State: Colorado

County: Logan

Coordinate: 40.90° N, -104.52° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Scale: quarry

Formation: Pawnee Creek

Time interval: Early Miocene

Zone: Hemingfordian

Ma: 19.4

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: "NE1/4 sec. 27, T. 11 N., R. 64 W."

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "Silt, noncalcareous" with "three layers of nodular concretions" (Galbreath 1953, p. 26) or "impure (clay and silt) fine-grained sandstone... This sandstone is evidently fluviatile, and represents a channel fill... the fossils are rather thinly scattered through several feed of sediment" (Wilson 1960)
there is a disassociated single rhinoceros skeleton plus one oreodont skull, but all other specimens are "jaws, isolated teeth, and post-cranial elements... No marks of the activities of rodents or mammalian carnivores were observed... Transportation was generally not for any long distance"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 353 specimens

Years: 1950 - 1952

Museum: University of Kansas

Sampling comments: collections were made by University of Kansas (Museum of Natural History) field parties in 1950, 1951, and 1952
the 1950 material only was described by Galbreath (1953): Wilson describes all of the insectivore and rodent material
specimens were found "during quarry operations" and "in the laboratory by careful searching of matrix" after "preliminary washing and drying" that "eliminated the finest material" (presumably with screening)
"approximately 75 cubic yards" were excavated
there are also "fish remains... a large salamander... both testudinates and lizards... birds"
"?Macrotherium matthewi" of Galbreath (1953) is omitted by Wilson (1960), presumably because Galbreath was uncertain about its provenance
additional mammals mentioned by later authors include:
"? Peratherium sp.": Hutchison (1968)
Cynarctoides acridens was listed by Martin and Mengel (1984) and mentioned by Wang et al. 1999

Sample number: 4654

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2025-01-12 11:34:14

Modified: 2025-01-12 11:34:14

Abundance distribution
35 species
7 singletons
total count 353
geometric series index: 53.4
Fisher's α: 9.652
geometric series k: 0.8888
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9300
Shannon's H: 2.9952
Good's u: 0.9802
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Erinaceidae indet.1
Rich (1981): "Metechinus cf. marslandensis"
Plesiosorex coloradensis14
Plesiosorex sp.2
Heterosorex roperi = †Pseudotrimylus roperi28
Wilsonosorex conulatus3
Martin (1978): "? Heterosorex sp."
Sorex vireti = †Angustidens vireti13
Sorex compressus = †Antesorex compressus7
Mydecodon martini = †Mystipterus martini7
Scalopoides isodens25
Proscalops cf. secundus11
Proscalops sp.4
Soricoidea indet.1
Oreolagus wilsoni19
Dawson (1965): type; "Oreolagus nr. nebrascensis; 12 specimens of Galbreath (1953) and 7 new ones
Archaeolaginae indet.3
"? Hypolagus sp.": "several" teeth
Mesogaulus paniensis36
Palaeoarctomys bryanti = †Miospermophilus bryanti15
Protospermophilus sp.7
Black (1963): "Sciurus sp. A"
Marmotini indet.3
"Sciurus sp. B": "Tamias sp." of Black (1963)
Hystricops sp.3
Korth (1998): "? Anchitheriomys sp."; "Amblycastor sp." of Korth (1994); "Agnotocastorinae indet." of Korth and Emry (1997)
Euroxenomys sp.55
Sutton and Korth (1995): "Monosaulax sp." said to be new
Pseudotheridomys hesperus8
Proheteromys sulculus34
type: may or may not include Stratimus strobeli of Korth et al. (1990); presumed to include "Mookomys cf. formicorum" (NISP 5) based on Black (1963) and Gawne (1975); presumed to include "? Florentiamys sp." (NISP 1) based on Black (1963)
Pleurolicus sp.5
Gawne (1975): "Proheteromys cf. magnus"
Plesiosminthus clivosus8
Plesiosminthus galbreathi = †Schaubeumys galbreathi17
Prototomarctus optatus1
Wang et al. (1999): "Cynodesmus?": presumably the one specimen of "Tomarctus sp." of Galbreath (1953)
Amphicyonidae indet.1
"Amphicyonine sp.": not discussed by Galbreath (1953)
Parahippus pawniensis5
NISP based on Galbreath (1953)
Merychippus sp.1
Galbreath (1953): questioned ID; compared to paniensis (possibly this genus) and sphenodus (currently in this this genus)
Brachypotherium americanum1
Yatkola and Tanner (1978): "Dicerathere?" skeleton of Wilson (1960); the only rhinocerotid specimen from the quarry per se according to Wilson (1993), although Galbreath (1953) describes one "Aphelops spp." specimen and one "Teleoceras spp." specimen discovered previously
Hesperhys sp.2
Merycochoerus magnus3
"Merycochoerus proprius magnus"
Merychyus sp.3
Merychyus elegans according to Galbreath (1953)
Camelidae indet.1
"Oxydactylus sp.": possibly Michenia or Miotylopus; specimen not known to Galbreath (1953)
Barbouromeryx sp.6
presumably assumes five specimens of "Blastomeryx cf. elegans" and one of "Blastomeryx cf. medius" of Galbreath (1953)