Chappo Type Locality
Basic information
Sample name: Chappo Type Locality
Reference: G. F. Gunnell. 1994. Paleocene mammals and faunal analysis of the Chappo Type Locality (TIffanian), Green River Basin, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14(1):81-104 [ER 4108]
Country: United States
State: Wyoming
Coordinate: 42.24° N, -110.28° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Scale: quarry
Formation: Wasatch
Time interval: Late Palaeocene
Zone: Tiffanian
Ma: 58.2
Age basis: AEO
Geography comments: "approximately 7.5 km west-southwest of the village of LaBarge... NSW1/4, NE1/4, section 17, T26N, R113W"
from the lower part of the Chappo Member of the Wasatch Formation
a single quarry (see Fig. 1)
"middle Tiffanian" and "a transitional Ti3-Ti4 fauna"
from the lower part of the Chappo Member of the Wasatch Formation
a single quarry (see Fig. 1)
"middle Tiffanian" and "a transitional Ti3-Ti4 fauna"
Lithology: mudstone
Taphonomic context: lake deposit,overbank deposit,paleosol
Habitat comments: "Deep red mudstones and abundant calcareous nodules indicate a mature paleosol horizon" and the fossils are "from the red-gray couplet (one paleosol horizon)"
the paleosols indicate "deposition on a distal floodplain"
"there is no articulation of elements and there are few juvenile specimens" arguing "against predatory mortality", and "elements are often abraded, eroded, etched, and polished" suggesting "transport before deposition" and an environment "in or near a shallow pond away from the channel margin" that was occasionally flooded
the paleosols indicate "deposition on a distal floodplain"
"there is no articulation of elements and there are few juvenile specimens" arguing "against predatory mortality", and "elements are often abraded, eroded, etched, and polished" suggesting "transport before deposition" and an environment "in or near a shallow pond away from the channel margin" that was occasionally flooded
Life forms: carnivores,primates,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals
Sampling methods: screenwash,surface
Sample size: 1055 specimens
Museum: UMMP, UNSM
Sampling comments: "Since 1980, University of Michigan field parties have continued to collect matrix and screen wash" processing "over 6,800 kg of matrix", but the site has also been "surface prospected"
most of the specimens are in the UMMP, but some are in the UNSM
earlier studies on the fauna include Gazin (in Oriel 1962), Gingerich and Dorr (1979), and Dorr and Gingerich (1980)
most of the specimens are in the UMMP, but some are in the UNSM
earlier studies on the fauna include Gazin (in Oriel 1962), Gingerich and Dorr (1979), and Dorr and Gingerich (1980)
Sample number: 4536
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2024-12-02 08:25:58
Modified: 2024-12-02 08:25:58
Abundance distribution
39 species
7 singletons
total count 1055
geometric series index: 55.3
Fisher's α: 7.970
geometric series k: 0.8672
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9029
Shannon's H: 2.7643
Good's u: 0.9934
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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