Shotgun (Carnegie Museum)
Basic information
Sample name: Shotgun (Carnegie Museum)

Sample aka: Keefer Hill

Reference: L. Krishtalka, C. C. Black, and D. W. Riedel. 1975. Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Annals of Carnegie Museum 45(9):179-212 [ER 4107]
Country: United States

State: Wyoming

County: Natrona

Coordinate: 43.34° N, -107.52° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Formation: Fort U.nion

Time interval: Middle Palaeocene

Zone: Tiffanian

Ma: 60.5

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: "along Badwater Creek at the western end of Cedar Ridge... SW 1/4, Sec. 15, T. 39N., R. 89W."
in the Shotgun Member of the Fort U.nion Formation
said to be "latest Tiffanian" by Krishtalka et al. but "early Tiffanian" according to Gunnell (1989)

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: lake deposit

Habitat comments: "a narrow band of deeply dissected siltstones, claystones, and sandstones"
the sediments accumulated "along the lake margin"
the shark teeth are taken by Gunnell (1989) to indicate "sources of salt water... rather close" to the locality and "may have meant that Waltman Lake was saline"
preservation is poor, with "very few specimens that preserve mandibles or maxillae" (Gunnell 1989)

Life forms: primates,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 276 specimens

Museum: Carnegie Museum

Sampling comments: "In 1963 fossil vertebrates of Paleocene age were first discovered" at this locality and "two to three tons of matrix from this locality have now been washed" (= about 2.5 US tons or 2268 kg)
there are also "shark teeth, osteichthyan vertebrae, crocodilian fragments, various gastropods, and pelycopods and reworked ammonite fragments"
this inventory strictly pertains to the CM specimens discussed by the authors
there is also a significant MCZ collection that presumably yields most or all of the many species not discussed by Krishtalka et al.
Keefer (1961) and Keefer and Troyer (1964) also discussed taxa from this site
Gunnell (1989) appears to be unaware of Krishtalka et al. (1975) and does not discuss the Carnegie Museum collection that forms the basis of this species inventory
Sloan (1987) lists Neoplagiaulax nelsoni, Ectypodus aphronorus, Parectypodus pattersoni, P. sinclairi, and Anconodon lewisi all on the basis of MCZ specimens: I assume that the CM Ectypodus is aphronorus, but none of the other genera are listed by Krishtalka et al.
Protictis microlestes was described by MacIntyre (1966) and Krause and Gingerich (1983) but Krishtalka et al. and Gunnell (1989) list no carnivores
MacIntyre also described cf. Protictis (Simpsonictis)
Aphronorus orieli is present in the MCZ collection only according to Krishtalka et al.
the following species of Gunnell (1989) do not match the list of Krishtalka et al.:
"cf. Anacodon gidleyi", which appears to be a lapsus for Anconodon gidleyi of Keefer (1961)
Mimetodon cf. silberlingi
Catopsalis calgariensis of Middleton 1982, including C. cf. fissidens of Gunnell (1989) and Keefer (1961)
Pentacodon sp.
Nannodectes intermedius
Palenochtha cf. minor
Palaechthon woodi
Palaechthon cf. alticuspis
Plesiolestes cf. problematicus
Torrejonia sirokyi
Paromomys cf. depressidens
Ignacius fremontensis
Ignacius cf. frugivorus
Elphidotarsius shotgunensis
Picrodus cf. silberlingi (described by McGrew and Patterson 1962)
Peryptychus cf. carinidens
Anisonchus cf. sectorius
Promioclaenus sp.
Ectocion sp. (not mentioned by Thewissen 1990)
Claenodon cf. ferox
Colpoclaenus keeferi (the type, see Patterson and McGrew 1962)
Elpidophorus cf. minor
Pantolambda cf. cavirictum

Sample number: 4535

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2024-12-02 06:04:21

Modified: 2024-12-02 06:04:36

Abundance distribution
21 species
2 singletons
total count 276
geometric series index: 29.0
Fisher's α: 5.283
geometric series k: 0.8075
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8561
Shannon's H: 2.3621
Good's u: 0.9929
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Ptilodus sp.60
"Ptilodus cf. montanus" of Keefer and Troyer (1964)
Ectypodus aphronorus13
Sloan (1987): "Ectypodus sp. near E. tardus"; "Ectypodus sp." of Gunnell (1989)
Mesodma pygmaea13
Sloan 1987: "Mesodma sp." and presumably "Cf. Mesodma"
Microcosmodon woodi9
Holtzmann and Wolberg (1977): "Microcosmodon conus" and presumably "cf. Eucosmodon sp." of Gunnell (1989)
Peradectes protinnominatus5
probably includes "cf. Peradectes sp." of Gunnell (1989)
Leptictidae indet.2
probably includes "cf. Diacodon sp." of Gunnell (1989)
Aphronorus fraudator3
Palaeoryctidae indet.6
probably includes "Gelastops sp." of Gunnell (1989)
Talpavus sp.8
Scenopagus sp.1
Apatemys kayi = †Labidolemur kayi2
Plesiadapis sp.72
Gunnell (1989): presumably "Plesiadapis farisi"; also "Plesiadapis praecursor" of Gingerich (1976) and Krause and Gingerich (1983)
Phenacolemur frugivorus = †Ignacius frugivorus34
Carpolestidae indet.1
"Carpolestes sp.": this may be Carpodaptes cf. hazelae of Gunnell (1989)
Chriacus pelvidens2
Mimotricentes sp.12
presumably "Tricentes nr. subtrigonus" of Gunnell (1989)
Litomylus sp.8
Phenacodaptes sabulosus6
Ectocion osbornianum = †Ectocion osbornianus5
presumably "Gidleyina sp." of Keefer and Troyer (1964)
Phenacodus matthewi12
Thewissen (1990): from "Keefer Hill"; presumably "Phenacodus cf. primaevus"
Phenacodus sp.2
small form, presumably not the same